Ask Kim: Overwhelmed By My Options

Dear Kim,

I’m nearing retirement age and feeling overwhelmed by the options for managing my savings. It feels unfair that all these plans seem to be a “one size fits all” situation. How can I ensure my retirement funds are structured to provide steady income for me and my lifestyle, while also accounting for potential healthcare expenses? I’ve had high blood pressure since I turned fifty-nine, and I’m worried about what that could lead to later on down the line (and what it could rack up in doctor bills). How can I best weigh my options, or at least know what to plan for?

Overwhelmed by my Options

Dear Overwhelmed,

Stopping work and therefore a regular income can be scary. The number one question I get from people is ‘how much do I need to have saved before I retire?’. 

Unfortunately, there isn’t one answer to that question. It depends on your current lifestyle and what you want your lifestyle to be in retirement. Some people spend more on travel and the like, and some spend less. 

We don’t know how long we will live or what our lives will look like 10 or 15 years down the road. For something this large, I really have to recommend you work with a financial planner. There are so many variables that a planner is equipped to answer that are hard to answer on your own. A financial planner can help you clarify your goals for retirement and explore options you may not have considered. 

I wish you the best as you begin to plan for the rest of your life.


If you need help navigating your finances, talk to Kim Spencer by clicking the link below!

Ask Kim

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